Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry in Your Life

Chemistry in Your LifeFrom high school to college, the subject of Chemistry has always been a preferred option for students. Chemists are vital for every society and country because they have the ability to come up with solutions to real problems. And while studying in college, the learning environment of a college or university is very important to keep in mind as Chemistry is an integral part of the course of study and the students are given various options to pursue it.Students are taught by subject matter experts that even though Mathematics is a vital component of any college or university program, it is not the only topic to be studied. For students of Chemistry, the subject choice of course is mainly based on their interests and aptitude. However, students who are drawn towards the field of Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biomolecular and Botany, will more commonly pick Chemistry as a course as it covers almost all the subjects of Biology. The curriculum of Chemistry is n ormally divided into two parts, the upper and the lower division. However, there are various topics which are regularly included in these two parts of the syllabus.The first two years of the curriculum of Chemistry are dedicated to the upper division, and the final two years are devoted to the lower division. In the upper division, the topics that are taught will be Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Chemistry, Astrophysics, Computational Chemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, and Biochemistry. Some of the topics that are regular are Physics, Astronomy, and Linear Algebra. These topics are selected from the vast amounts of syllabuses available which provide more diversity in the curriculum.In the physics class, students have to solve various equations in order to give the correct answers. Moreover, there are also other topics such as mathematical modelling, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics of liquids, water, atomic a nd molecular physics, elementary particles, atoms, nuclear reactions, free energy, nuclear fusion, solid state physics, solid state and solid semiconductors, radioactive and subatomic particles, nuclear weapons, and gamma rays, amongst others.In the second year of the course, students will be taught about Synthetic Chemistry and the techniques involved in this type of chemistry. While in the first years, they have to learn all the subject of biology and the subjects related to chemistry. So there is more scope for the student to select the topics of his choice.Daltons or Degrees in Chemistry are conferred in many Universities. A student has to take the test (also known as BCQ) before the test can be taken. The degree is required in order to qualify for a Graduate level position in the Chemical Industries, Pharmaceutical Industries, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and so on. However, the Master's degree (MAS) is also required for these positions.The course of study for Chemis try can be taken in most Universities of the country. Students will also need to clear the State exam for admission to the college or university of their choice, as the exams will be given after the official entrance examinations are done.

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